First Dragon Wars

Aus Avahe Project
Version vom 2. März 2024, 22:15 Uhr von Nylo El Lobo (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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The First Dragon Wars denotes a conflict among the Phoeican Dragons spanning from 3271 B.I.D. to 3250 B.I.D.

Historical Context

By 3460 B.I.D., the inception of the first Dragon clans in western Phoeica and Tammeren had occurred. The emergence of several nascent clans spurred a proliferation of clan formations in western Phoeica. The Magotho clan, in particular, secured dominion over the desolate Dracomayor, sparking conflict with Clan Irdani over territorial claims in 3460 B.I.D., ultimately precipitating the commencement of the inaugural Dragon Wars.

By 3455 B.I.D., the Magotho had gained ascendancy in these skirmishes. Throughout the duration of the conflict, they allied themselves with the Thorntollers clan against the Quaräa clan, a collaboration which persisted until the cessation of hostilities in 3250 B.I.D., partly under the influence of the Old Ones.


As a consequence of the wars, attempts were made to abolish the Dragon clans, whose rivalries had triggered the conflicts. However, these attempts were unsuccessful and could not prevent the outbreak of the Second Dragon Wars.