First Dragon Wars

Aus Avahe Project
Version vom 2. März 2024, 21:41 Uhr von Nylo El Lobo (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Nylo El Lobo verschob die Seite The first Dragon Wars nach First Dragon Wars: Ease of access)
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The first Dragon Wars were a conflict between the first Dragons in Áváhé between 338 B.I.D. and 228 B.I.D.. It took place mainly in western Aerznia.

Historical Context

By 338 B.I.D., the first Dragon clans had emerged in Áváhé. The presence of a few upstart clans triggered a wave of clan foundations in western Aerznia. The Magotho secured the barren Dracomayor as their territory and came into conflict with Clan Irdani over it in 338 B.I.D., triggering the first Dragon Wars. By 332 B.I.D., however, the Magotho gained the upper hand in the skirmishes. Until the end of the war, they stood by the clan of the Thorntollers in the fight against <u<the clan Quaräa, until the fighting ceased in 228 B.I.D., also due to the influence of the Old Ones.


As a consequence of the wars, attempts were made to abolish the Dragon clans, whose rivalries had triggered the conflicts.