Camir Ovo the Crowner

Aus Avahe Project
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Camir Ovo the Crowner is a figure in the history of Little Béveren. It is not clear whether he really existed. However, it is said of him that he was the founder of the Kingdom of Ýuufver.

The Legend

The legend of Camir Ovo reads as follows:

It was one day that Camir Ovo came from the west in a boat made of grass and flax. And he spoke to the people of the islands he found and said to them, "You shall call this land Ýuufver" and further, "Make this island your subject. Take possession of it and rule over everything on it. This is your sacred task." He went and picked grass and flax from his boat and made a hoop out of them. And he went to a woman and commanded that she kneel down. And as she knelt down, Camir crowned her with grass and flats and said to her, "I name thee the guardian of Ýuufver." But the woman did not want to accepted this honor. Nevertheless, Camir said to her, "Take it and wear it like the crown that I have bestowed upon you. This duty shall pass henceforth to those who do not want it." But Camir went away and was never seen again.

Facts Known

It is not known whether there is any truth in the legend. However, for many inhabitants of Ýuufver it serves as a kind of identity-forming myth, even if it does not have a particularly large presence in everyday life.