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A part of Dracoš

Dracoš [dʁakɔʃ] is the name of a group of isles off the coast of Luyieveria and the Mahr. It is inhabited almost solely by Dragons at the beginning of the Iron Gate Saga and is the story-setting of the Dracoš Arc.

Geography & Climate

Dracoš is characterized by a maritime climate. The islands are located a few kilometers off the coast of western Luyieveria and on clear days within visual range of the city of Steynmaar.


The Dragons of Dracoš have lived in antagonism to the people of the Mahr for centuries and have little contact with other Dragon communities in the rest of Áváhé. Therefore, an independent culture has developed here over time, which has a strong relationship with the sea and its own territory.


The Dragons mainly manage themselves as individual self-supporters. However, social affairs and sometimes disputes are handled by a council of elders.


Even before the Scarlet Night, Dracoš was cut off from the rest of the Old Empire during the Wars for the North. It remained as a loyal exclave, but lost contact with the South and was isolated as a result. The imperial population gathered in the coastal region around today's Steynmaar and was pushed more and more to the coast until they finally fled to the Dracoš islands.

Over the centuries, a migration of the human inhabitants led to the retention of the Dragons, which were demonized and hunted by the Mahr people.

From then on, both sides lived in a latent state of conflict. This ended only with the destruction of Steynmaar in 7011 A.I.D. at the hands of the Dragons and the subsequent dissolution of the Mahr (see: The Dracoš Arc).