Second Dragon Wars

Aus Avahe Project
Version vom 17. September 2022, 11:02 Uhr von Nylo El Lobo (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== General == The Second Dragon Wars were a conflict between the first Dragons in Áváhé. They ensued after <u>the first Dragon Wars</u> and lasted from 189 B.I.D. to about 181 A.I.D.. == Historical Context == After the first Dragon Wars, attempts had been made by Dragons and Old Ones to abolish the Dragon clans, which had been seen as the reason for the outbreak of the wars. By 189 B.I.D., however, some had reestablished th…“)
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The Second Dragon Wars were a conflict between the first Dragons in Áváhé. They ensued after the first Dragon Wars and lasted from 189 B.I.D. to about 181 A.I.D..

Historical Context

After the first Dragon Wars, attempts had been made by Dragons and Old Ones to abolish the Dragon clans, which had been seen as the reason for the outbreak of the wars. By 189 B.I.D., however, some had reestablished themselves or, in fact, had not disbanded at all.

The revived rivalries between some Dragon clans culminated in a major attack by the Jerowårga on the Magotho and the Irdani at Dracomayor around 189 B.I.D.. The Throntollers took advantage of the ensuing chaos to fight the Quaräa. Thus broke out the Second Dragon Wars, in which this time even Old Ones had to fight on both emerging sides.

The Magotho and the Thorntollers allied to form the Grand Clan Magotho-Thorntoll, while the Jerowårga won over most of the Dragons north of the Scarlet Heights, especially with regard to the Magotho and their power-conscious demeanor. In contrast, the Magotho-Thorntollers rallied many Dragons south of the Scarlet Heights and accused the Jerowårga of trying to break the Old Law and divide the Dragons.

In 181 A.I.D., the wars ended at the urging of the Old Ones, the pacifist Dragons, and Free Wanderers, who, unusually for them, banded together in large numbers and rose up for peace.


However, abolishing the Dragon Clans, as had been attempted after the first Dragon Wars, was hardly possible. Therefore, the Old Law was amended, stipulating that the Dragon Clans could keep their existing territories and not expand beyond them to the detriment of other Dragons.

The establishment of ancestral hoards established a tradition and territorial awareness that would later foster the emergence of patronage in the early Old Empire.