Second Dragon Wars
The Second Dragon Wars were a series of conflicts among the Phoeican Dragons in Áváhés, spanning from 3050 B.I.D. to approximately 3051 B.I.D.
Historical Context
Following the First Dragon Wars, efforts were made by Dragons and Old Ones to dismantle the Dragon clans, perceived as the root cause of the conflicts. However, by 3180 B.I.D., certain clans had either reemerged or had never disbanded.
The resurgence of hostilities among select clans reached a climax with a significant assault by the Jerowårga on the Magotho and the Irdani at Dracomayor around 3051 B.I.D. The ensuing turmoil was exploited by the Thorntollers to engage in conflict with the Quaräa. Thus commenced the Second Dragon Wars, during which Phoeican Old Ones found themselves compelled to take sides with emerging factions.
The Magotho and the Thorntollers allied to form the Grand Clan of Magotho-Thorntoll, while the Jerowårga won over most of the Dragon communities north of the Scarlet Heights, especially with regard to the Magotho and their power-conscious demeanor. In contrast, the Magotho-Thorntollers rallied many Dragons south of the Scarlet Heights and accused the Jerowårga of trying to break the Old Law and divide the Dragons.
3051 B.I.D., the wars ended at the urging of the Old Ones, pacifist Dragons, and Free Wanderers, who, unusually for them, banded together in large numbers and rose up for peace.
Efforts to dismantle the Dragon clans, as previously attempted after the initial Dragon Wars, proved impracticable. The triumphant clans had significantly fortified their positions and that of their supporters. Consequently, the Old Law underwent revision, permitting the Dragon clans to retain their existing territories without encroaching beyond them to the detriment of other Dragons.
The establishment of defined territories with rudimentary borders precipitated a sense of territorial consciousness that would later facilitate the development of patronage in the early Old Empire.
Many Old Ones and neutral Dragons, who had harbored hopes following the cessation of the First Dragon Wars that another major conflict would not arise, found themselves disillusioned.