Admun [atmʊn] is a Mahrish monk and a protagonist in the Iron Gate Saga. He was born in 6962 A.I.D..
Spoiler Warning for the Iron Gate Saga
Admun is a human man of 49 years. He is almost completely bald and sturdy. He has light skin and blue eyes. He usually wears a plain brown or black monk's robe, along with his order symbol.
During the Iron Gate saga, Admun goes through numerous changes. Admun is extremely devout in the sense of the greatest Mahrish religion. After the destruction of Steynmaar, however, his faith suffers a great blow. Seeing the Dragons as demons at first, he does not understand why the saints would let such a catastrophe happen. Nevertheless, he does not initially fall away from the faith, as he is a zealot. He also wants to prevent a deviation among the survivors, but above all he wants to assure himself that he still believes.
Despite his religious zeal, Admun is a strong personality with a big heart who is also capable of pragmatism. As someone with a simple background, injustice is abhorrent to him. Therefore, the suffering of his fellow men after the destruction hits him particularly hard and he establishes himself as a kind of leader to help them.
Admun was given to the wandering monastic order as a child because his family could not afford an additional child. Therefore, he considers this order as his family first and foremost. During the Lehner Wars he belonged to the retinue of King Sereuth, mainly as a pastor. After this time he settled in Steynmaar and led several churches there.
He was among the survivors of the destruction of Steynmaar by the Dragons of Dracoš in 7011 A.I.D.. He then became the leader of the survivors who remained around the city and eventually played a leading role in reconciling Dragons and Humans, together with Len and Lourem.