Grau is a wolf of the North who becomes entangled in the events of the Iron Gate Saga through a spiritual journey.
Grau is an anthropomorphic wolf with predominantly gray fur and gray eyes, tall and muscular.
Grau is, like most wolves, deeply connected to nature. He is very introverted and silent around strangers or in unfamiliar situations but becomes talkative with friends. Early in his life and during his upbringing, Grau is highly obedient to authority. This changes with his journey south, which makes him more independent and leads him to shed some superstitions.
Grau grows up in a mid-sized pack in the north of Áváhé. The pack is authoritarian and deeply superstitious, which shapes his thinking for a long time. During a large gathering of multiple packs, Grau consciously interacts with other wolf packs for the first time.
A major turning point in his life occurs when some pack leaders, under the pretense of a prophecy, select him to travel south and explore an unspecified future for his species. Grau accepts this task and, after some preparation, sets out in the spring of 7009 A.I.D., accompanied by a friend.
During their journey, the two become separated, and Grau finds himself in the company of a mercenary group, with whom he travels for a while. The group gets caught up in the turmoil of the war between Dracoš and Lung's army and ultimately aligns with Dracoš.
Grau later returns to his people, only to discover that a conspiracy among the pack leaders had used him as bait to gain prestige under the guise of the supposed prophecy and grand ceremonies. He fights against these forces and leads his people south.