Scarlet Heights

Aus Avahe Project
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The Scarlet Heights

The Scarlet Heights (or simply The Scarlets) are a mountain range stretching from the Vestalian Sea in the west of Áváhé to the Stormlands in the east. They separate the upper south from the middle south and are a major obstacle to trade and travel.


The Scarlet Heights are a range of high mountains that divide major parts of the continent of Áváhé into a northern and a southern part. Their furthest extent from north to south is roughly a 150 miles, with the mountain massive of the Thorntoll being the northenmost part, while their extent from east to west reaches over 2700 miles.

In the east, the Scarlet Heights level out into the plains created by the river system of the Mater, the Yeet and the Tossila, while the western end of the range is marked by Vestalian Sea. The city of Quanar is located in a basin at the eastern end of the mountains.

The spine of the Scarlet Heights is on average up to 5 miles high, with sporadic mountains reaching up to 8 miles. The highest mountain of the Heigts is the Thorntoll, reaching almost 8,3 miles. There is a marked difference in height between the western and the eastern part of the range, with the mountains east of Quanar rarely reaching the 3 mile mark.

While the northern face of the range run out without any major obstacles, the southern end is marked by an abrupt limit being formed by the Great Stream of the South, which runs along the mountains from west to east on almost their entire extend.

The Scarlet Heights can be crossed by a number of passes, usually reaching up to 2 to 3 miles above sea level. Most of the passes are located in the east, around the basin of Quanar and along the Thorntoll.

Geographically speaking the Scarlet Heights are formed mostly from granite, with a remarkably high admixture of red porphyry, giving the mountain range their name. Another reason for the intense red colour especially of the southern face of the mountains are the western winds that bring along red clay earth from the plains of Dracominor.

There has been talk about extended cave systems beneath the Scarlet Heights, but to far those claims could no be substantiated.


The Scarlet Heights are remarkable for not being covered by glaciers for the most parts, only some of the highest peaks have glaciers. The glacier covering the upper reaches of the Thorntoll is said to contain enough fresh water to cover the entire The Rift up to a height of 7 feet.

In general, the Scarlet Heights are arid, especially in the upper reaches. Still the inhabitants of the mountain range manage to eke out a living by small-scale farming and animal husbandy, hinting at the existence of lakes and small rivers in at least some of the remote valleys and high plateaus.

Even though the intense red colour of the mountains might imply warm temperatures at a warm or temperate climate, the temperature drops beneath the freezing point on a regular base, especially in the higher reaches of the mountains.

Flora and Wildlife

The Scarlet Heights are covered by the typical flora of high mountains. Due to the arid climate, even beneath the timberline the amount of trees is low. Instead, the landscape is dominated by different kinds of flowering shrubs, growing to a maximum of 6 to 7 feet. The two most important plants seem to be a thick-leaved, sweet-tasting grass and 4 to 5 feet high evergreen shrubbery which produces an aromatic resin. Other than these plant, the Scarlet Heights are home to a wide range of different herbs, mushrooms, mosses and lichens, some of which are said to have not only medical, but psychadelic effects as well. Of importance to the inhabitants of the Heights are a number of different kinds of wild berries and tubers which are the staple foods.

The wildlife is dominated by few mammal species. The most important ones are a kind of mountain goat which is also domesticated by the mountain people, three kinds of feral cats, one kind of bear and a range of small rodents. Playing a role in the ecosystem are 4 different kinds of singing birds (especially interesting is a rare kind of wagtail that only lives along rivers and lakes, which yould hint at the existence of rivers and bigger bodies of water in the Heights), and different birds of prey.

Of great importance to the locals seems to be a big beast of burden that roams the heights in small groups. They can grow up to 9 paces in height, have a thick fur and four horns.

Political Relevance

The Scarlet Heights form a natural border between the Aerznian Empire to the south and the sparcely settled steppe areas to the north-west and The Rift to the north-east. Due to their height, prominence and relative lack of passable paths, the Scarlet Heights hindered the spread of Aerznia to the north by a huge degree.


The Scarlet Heights are populated by a semi-nomadic people called the škra’la [ʃkra la], that live in an indeterminate number of villages located in the heights of the central mountain ranges. The škra’la live a secluded live, but both evidence collected by the Academy of Áterôn and the local folk tales clearly hint at them being a split-off group the original settlers of The Rift. The exact or even relative number of inhabitants of the mountain range is unknown. While some estimates are as low as a few thousands, others are in the tens of thousands. Potentially, the actual population might even be higher than that.


The Scarlet Heights favor Quanar's preeminence in the eastern Mid-South. They limit the Aerznian Empire's expansion northward, thereby denying it access to important trade routes. In addition, the eastern foothills of the mountains surround Quaräa to the north, providing extensive natural protection for the land.


The Scarlet Heights are dotted with intermediate ruins and abandoned settlements. Some of these ruins are claimed to go back to the times of Dýrrách, but so far those rumours seem to be unfoundes.