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The city-state of Quanar [kvanaɐ̯] is located in the Quaräan Plain, surrounded to the north, west, and east by the Scarlet Heights. The region is rich in mineral resources and favors stable trade routes, as the Scarlets to the west and the Stormlands to the east are often more difficult or impossible to pass.


Quanar's appearance has undergone several major changes, but in general, the city is built narrow and high, Despite the availability of free space. This was done in the past mainly to facilitate infrastructure and water supply in the arid region. In the present, this practice facilitates the defense of the city and the surrounding area.

Quanar has a roughly oval to elliptical shape. From the largest central structures downwards, a kind of sub-city that has developed over time is facing westward. In the past, the numerous old towers - which have been preserved to this day - served to facilitate air traffic for Dragons, while the lower city was mainly inhabited by Humans and Old Ones.

The ancient urban architecture from the Old Empire has been preserved for the most part and has survived the centuries. This is also due to the fact that the people of Quanar cherished the tradition of the Old Empire and tried to preserve as many of its remnants as possible. Thus, relics such as the elaborate sewer system or the striking numerous towers, which served as living and landing places for Dragons and Old Ones in the time of the Imperii Draconi, still exist today. In the meantime, many new buildings crowd in between the old walls.

Quaters and Notable Landmarks


Old Kontor Quater

  • Sapheyo Canal: The city's largest north-western canal, important for the transportation of goods.
  • Bazar-Nur an'tér: One of the most unusual and vibrant markets in the city, situated in the Old Kontor quarter to the northwest. Extraordinary goods and shops are easily found here, as well as one of the largest Bureaus of the Republic of Letters.


The climate is mostly dry and warm. Overall, Quanar forms a kind of oasis in the Quaräan steppe.


Because of its central importance for trade, many different cultures live together within its walls, producing unique art and culture. The majority of the population is Human, but there are also notable Kehdei communities. The population consists roughly of 80% of Humans and 20% of Kehdei.

In the present, Quanar is an advanced and wealthy city that single-handedly represents the arch-enemy of the Aerznian Empire and has resisted all attempts at conquest.

The constitutional monarchy is very popular in Quanar. Not only the royal house itself but also the Quaräan Drâce enjoys great respect and veneration. Both Humans and Kehdei of various origins are proud of their ancient tradition and recall the Imperii Draconi as a source of identity.

The city's pride is expressed in a unique culture that welcomes and promotes diversity. Therefore, phenomena such as racism or xenophobia are hard to be found. In addition, men and women are treated as equals to men, which is due in part to the continuing influence of the Kehdei. Accordingly, the general level of education and literacy is outstanding compared to Aerznia or the Achat.

The rich mineral resources fostered a wide range of arts and crafts early on, which absorbed a wide variety of currents. Quaräan art is one of the city's great exports; goldwork and sculpture in particular are at a high level. Despite all the tensions, Quanar thus also had a great cultural influence on Aerznia, which imported and adopted statues or artists from Quaräa on a large scale.


In Quanar, sculpting is leading among the arts, followed by fresco painting and mosaic creation. As a former major city of the Old Empire and a central trading center in the south of Áváhé, the city has absorbed and combined numerous influences from a wide variety of cultures. This gave rise to unique and colorful traditions in art and philosophy, which continued to change over time.

Around 7000 A.I.D., art in Quanar is often characterized by expansive, 'baroque' design. Prominent colors are often gold, red and blue.

Street Theatre

Among the common people, street theater is especially popular. Performances can have extremely diverse themes and genres as their subject. Often they teach lessons or serve as entertainment.

Some of the most famous plays go back to the Quaraäan poet Ajak.


Domestic Policy

Quanar is dynastically ruled by House Tárren in a constitutional monarchy.

A legend says that after the end of the Old Empire, this family was able to lay claim to rule in the city because they were able to recover a crown of the Old Ones, believed lost, which is held in honor in Quanar.

Around 7408 A.I.D. - that is, in the Iron Gate Saga - Vaehra Nilira Tárren reigns; a young woman closely associated with the only Dragon living in the city, Drâce, the last known descendant of the Quaräa who once belonged to the Magotho. Tárren suffers from a borderline disorder, so Drâke in particular exerts a stabilizing influence on her and thus on the politics of the city.

In Vaehra Tárren's time, tensions between Quanar and the Aerznian Empire increase again after a long period of calm.

According to the imperial tradition, politics serves the citizens of Quanar. Citizenship in the city comes with considerable privileges and freedoms that are enshrined in the ancient scriptures; a quasi-constitution made up of surviving texts from the Old Empire. For example, Quaräan citizens have the right to free expression and opinion, private property, religious freedom, and fair jurisdiction. Individual boroughs administer themselves democratically and to some extent organize public life, while the royal house is responsible for foreign policy, taxation, public order, and defense.

Foreign Policy

Its domestic policy links Quanar closely with the democratic Republic of Freja in Béveren, one of its closest allies. It also maintains good relations with the emirates of the Stormlands, as well as with the Achat and the Kehdei and Bantubwe. The Rift is partially included in Quanar's direct sphere of influence, although the city does not otherwise extend beyond the Quaräan plain. There are also sparse contacts with Thôsco.

Quanar uses all of these relationships to keep the Aerznian empire at bay. One of the maxims of Quarian foreign policy is to deny Aerznia access to all regions north of the Scarlet Hights, both territorially and to the important trade routes in these regions. In this way, Quanar secures its free constitution as well as its prosperity and influence.

Notable Institutions

City Watch

The City Guard functions as both a military and police force in Quanar. Their emblem is the Guardian of Quanar and their motto is "Clear the way.", which dates back to Iluvîn Elpharac.


The emergence of the city was favored above all by the clan of the Quaräa.

Quanar emerged from a common settlement of Humans, Dragons, and Old Ones even before the founding time of the Imperii Draconi and became part of it at an early stage. As such, it was for a time the second largest city in the world and in the empire, mainly due to its favorable location on several trade routes and the richness of its soil in treasures. Quanar was spoken of as a city that could rival the great Dracominor in magnificence.

Above all, the Dragon Clan of Quaräa played a major role in the construction of the city. It was mainly them who brought together different species following the example of Thôsco and brought them into peaceful coexistence. Therefore, they retained power in the region until 3080 A.I.D., when they united with the Magotho.

Importance During the Early Old Empire

Quanar played a significant role in the early history of the Imperii Draconi as a key trade hub and a gateway to the northern regions of the empire. Located at the foot of the Scarlet Hights, it served as a buffer zone between the empire and the northern Human clans. The city's strategic location, a wealth of natural resources, and diverse population made it an important center of commerce and culture.

In addition to its role as a trade hub, Quanar also served as a military stronghold, protecting the empire's northern border from invasions by Human clans. The city's strong defenses and strategic location made it a vital part of the empire's military strategy, and it was often used as a base for imperial expeditions into the north.

High Empire

During the height of the Old Empire, Quanar was a vital center of trade and commerce, serving as a hub for the exchange of goods and ideas between the different regions of the empire. Its strategic location at the foot of the Scarlet Hights made it a natural gateway to the north, and its wealth of natural resources attracted merchants and traders from all over the empire.

The city's diverse population, which included Humans, Dragons, and Old Ones, contributed to its cultural richness and made it a center of learning and innovation. Many famous artists, scholars, and thinkers called Quanar home, and the city was renowned for its art, literature, and science.

Quanar's strategic importance was also recognized by the Kaiser, who saw it as a key component of the empire's military defense. The city's strong defenses and strategic location made it a valuable asset in the empire's military strategy, and it was often used as a base for imperial expeditions into the north.


The Interregnum was a period of political and social instability for Quanar that lasted from 5700 A.I.D. to 5768 A.I.D..

Within the ruling Quaräa clan, disputes arose beginning in 5690 A.I.D. when a group within the clan turned to the Kehdei belief system and wanted to convert the entire clan to it. This sparked opposition from others in the clan, and over the course of several years, nearly escalated the conflict. To resolve the dispute, the Quaräa withdrew from Quanar in 5700 A.I.D., leaving behind governors and moving to Dracominor.

However, the governors were not up to their tasks, so Quanar fell more and more into a governmental crisis, about which, however, the Quaräa were at first not informed, because the governors feared consequences.

The governmental crisis in Quanar had a profound impact on the city and its surroundings. The economic situation worsened, as the governors who had left Quarar were unable to manage the situation effectively. There were also political tensions and protest situations as many citizens were frustrated with the poor leadership and difficult living conditions. Political factions emerged that proposed different solutions to the crisis, leading to further tension and conflict.

These factions included a "modernization faction" and a "traditional faction." The modernization faction advocated political reform within Quanar. The traditionalist faction, on the other hand, believed that the old values and traditions of Quaraea should be preserved and opposed any changes.

This social conflict led to a long-lasting politicization of the society, which would also become a prerequisite for the later, liberal-constitutional monarchy under the Tárren.

Transfer of Power to the Free Wanderers

The Free Wanderers at that time, as in the present, were loners who did not live according to the Old Law. In Quaräa, some of them - coming from the Scarlet Hights - had uncharacteristically banded together for reasons unknown and had been roaming the region for months. Although they had no interest in what was happening in Quanar, they were unexpectedly approached by the Quaräan governors and asked to mediate the ongoing conflict between the city factions.

Little is recorded about the events that followed. It is known, however, that after some hesitation, the Free Wanderers did indeed act as mediators in Quanar, using their perspectives as emerites and outsiders. They may have seen this as an opportunity to solve their own particular grievance, over which they had banded all together, and acquiesced. A people's revolt eventually deposed the governors and promoted the present group of Free Wanderers into government.

Passivity of the Quaräa

The Quaräa only now learned of the events in Quanar. However, the leadership of the clan decided not to take action and to wait until the situation had calmed down. Presumably, they speculated that a new situation would arise in which the clan could return to Quanar and act as an ordering element. Since the Quaräa stayed away, the government that the Free Wanderers initially formed endured.

Assumption of Rulership by Iluvîn Elpharac

When the merchant Iluvîn Elpharac came to the city and unexpectedly killed the Shûvern of Quaräa, this made him a hero in the midst of the uncertain social situation, for whom especially the human population longed. Moreover, since it was generally clear that the Free Wanderers did not want to remain in Quanar as a stabilizing element for long, a remedy also had to be found. Therefore, initially, against his will, Elpharac was elected ruler of Quanar in 5721 A.I.D..

Return of the Quaräa

When Iluvîn Elpharac died, his daughter Voestra Elpharaca was elected by the citizens of Quanar as the new ruler. This choice was obvious since she had started early to support her father and had taken over more and more tasks from him.

The Quaräa, who had not ruled Quanar for more than 40 years, had tried several times during Iluvîn's reign to return to Quanar but were driven out again by the citizens of the city. Both lawsuits and political overtures failed due to the resistance of the population. From 5771 A.I.D. on, the Quaräa had a permanent representative at Iluvîn's court and thus tried to influence the fate of the city, but without much success.

When Voestra came to power, she fundamentally changed the internal politics of the city. The Old Empire was increasingly in crisis at the time, and Voestra made it her mission to secure Quanar in such a way that the city could survive without the Empire if necessary.

This increasingly turned the central government in Dracominor and nearby imperial estates against her. Voestra realized that she could not maintain her course without allies.

Therefore, she decided to share the rule with the Quaräa, who in return supported her in her political activities. The period of interregnum ended.

Dual Reign

Voestra subsequently adopted the epithet Tárren, which at the time identified her as the Majordomus of the Quaräa. In this way, Quanar was under a dual rule of the Tárren and the Quaräa.

Voastrea's allies and family and the Quaräa stood in a difficult relationship. The two groups depended on each other since the Quaräa could not have re-established themselves in Quanar without the support of the popular Tárren, while the Tárren - who were sworn to Voastrea's course - could not have realized their ideas.

However, the relationship improved over the years. It eventually became a tradition after Voastrea that the Quaraea always drew their highest officials and administrators from among the Tárren. Auf diese Weise wurde die Familie den Quaräa untergeordnet, hielt sich aber und konnte so mit dem Aussterben der Quaräa wieder die Macht übernehmen.

Collapse of the Old Empire

During the collapse of the old empire, Quanar faced significant challenges as the city struggled to maintain its prosperity and autonomy. As the empire crumbled, various factions within the city vied for power and influence, leading to internal conflict and instability.

The only two known Magotho to survive the Scarlet Night made Quanar the new capital and convened the last Reichstags there. Control soon slipped from their grasp entirely, however, and the two Dragons abruptly retreated to the Thorntoll - while the empire dissolved in the Imperial Cleavage Wars. One of the main sources of unrest was the sudden departure. This created a power vacuum in Quanar, which was filled by various factions vying for control of the city.

Another challenge facing the city during this time was the threat of foreign invasion. With the fall of the old empire, the city found itself surrounded by rival powers seeking to expand its territory and influence. The city's strategic location and wealth made it a prime target for these invasions, and it was forced to defend itself against numerous attacks from all sides.

Despite these challenges, Quanar managed to hold its own and maintain its independence. The city's strong defenses, determined citizens, and strategic alliances with other powers helped it to withstand these threats and emerge relatively unscathed from the chaos of the empire's collapse.

Though the city was soon to be inhabited primarily by Humans, Quanar retained the Empire's tradition and its enlightened constitution. In fact, the city also considers itself the successor of the Imperii Draconi.


During the 1000 years following the collapse of the old empire, Quanar faced several challenges. The city's population once made up of a diverse mix of Humans, Dragons, and Old Ones, was greatly reduced due to a devastating plague that swept through the region. Many Dragons, who were particularly susceptible to the disease, died or were forced to flee, leaving behind a predominantly Human population.

Despite this setback, Quanar continued to thrive as a trade hub and cultural center. The city's strategic location, a wealth of natural resources, and advanced infrastructure allowed it to remain an important player in regional and international trade.

Over time, the city's political structure also evolved into a constitutional monarchy, allowing for greater representation of the city's diverse population.

Overall, the 1.000 years following the collapse of the old empire were a time of change and adaptation for Quanar, but the city was able to emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

The 6100 A.I.D. Epidemic and Return of the Tárren

An epidemic in Quanar occurred around 6100 A.I.D. and had devastating consequences for the city. It is suspected that the disease spread through the pet trade in the city. Many Dragons - who were particularly susceptible to the disease - died as a result of the outbreak and most of the remaining ones left, which had a significant impact on the city's defense capabilities. The Clan of Quaräa, which had held a position of power in the city for centuries, lost much of its influence and nearly died out.

Subsequently, the mostly Human Tárren family, which had continued to serve as the Quaräa's Majordomo, rose to prominence again, as they successfully navigated the crisis and took control of the city.

The epidemic also had long-lasting effects on the city's economy, as trade routes were disrupted. Despite these challenges, Quanar managed to recover and eventually regained its status as the key trade hub in southern Áváhé.

Time as a Major Power


Quanar developed into a major power in the following centuries, witnessing the rise of the Aerznian Empire and positioning itself as an element that traditionally provided political stability in its sphere of influence.